Sevilla has a symbol that is used EVERYWHERE in the city-- "NO8DO". It's a play on words-- the part that looks like an 8 is actually a skein of yarn, which is "madeja" in Spanish. So when you put the "no" and "do" on both ends it sounds like "No me ha dejado"-- "You didn't leave me" or "You haven't left me." It has some historical significance that I can't remember exactly. Some prince was in a war and the Sevillanos stayed by his side the whole time. They didn't leave him. Hence the phrase.
Sorry if this is all really confusing. I just think it's cool that everyone knows what "the NoDo" is and what it means.

Bus stop

Bike rack

Sidewalk post

Wall decoration
funny, clever, and little bit strange as I don't understand the meaning.
Great to talk to you yesterday!!
Maybe we could start our own: NO, then a picture of a can of green beans, then DO --- NO CAN DO!!
This could be Amarillo's motto!?
Whenever I see your smilin' face, I have to smile myself, because I love you. Love the pics.
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