Thursday, January 24, 2008


Sevilla has a symbol that is used EVERYWHERE in the city-- "NO8DO". It's a play on words-- the part that looks like an 8 is actually a skein of yarn, which is "madeja" in Spanish. So when you put the "no" and "do" on both ends it sounds like "No me ha dejado"-- "You didn't leave me" or "You haven't left me." It has some historical significance that I can't remember exactly. Some prince was in a war and the Sevillanos stayed by his side the whole time. They didn't leave him. Hence the phrase.

Sorry if this is all really confusing. I just think it's cool that everyone knows what "the NoDo" is and what it means.

Bus stop

Bike rack

Sidewalk post

Wall decoration


melynn said...

funny, clever, and little bit strange as I don't understand the meaning.

Great to talk to you yesterday!!

kathleen said...

Maybe we could start our own: NO, then a picture of a can of green beans, then DO --- NO CAN DO!!
This could be Amarillo's motto!?

Whenever I see your smilin' face, I have to smile myself, because I love you. Love the pics.